Social Media

Is Facebook a Fad?


24. November 2010


Why is Facebook relevant to my business?

Social media isn’t a fad anymore. It’s a FUNDAMENTAL shift in how we communicate. Start looking at social media as a way to draw in traffic, traffic, and more traffic. Why would you give up a free opportunity to remind people about your business or service? Facebook gets more traffic than any other social media network or tool, period. If you need more convincing, watch the first minute of this 4 minute video on Socialnomics. (more…)


Recipe for Internet Marketing


11. November 2010


Today I made a declaration.

I want to be known for my internet marketing expertise. By more than just my small circle. And one way to make this happen is to start blogging and interacting within my community of marketing peers with more conscious effort. I don’t know how long this will take. Perhaps it will be years, until I am known, and this is tangible. I’ve been doing Internet marketing for years. I’ve spent countless hours evaluating web apps. I have been an advocate for the value and abundance of opportunities on the Internet, and when you talk to me in person, my passion is palpable. I have a lot of knowledge I’d like to share.

I’m sharing my internet marketing tactics.

There’s no secret with any of these internet marketing strategies or techniques. They are just recipes. If you followed the recipe yourself, you could get the job done. You could have the recipe for the world’s best chocolate chip cookies, but it doesn’t mean you’ll actually make the best cookies. It’s like when Alton Brown, a chef shares his recipes and gets on TV and shows you how he makes it. Does he worry about someone else copying him? No. Because he knows that the recipe isn’t enough. Or how about if I were to give you the exact same set of knives that Alton Brown uses to cook up some of those recipes? Does that make you cook like him? No. The same is true for Internet marketing. I love the research, discovery, and the challenge of this crazy growth we’re seeing in all things internet marketing. And both the recipes and tools change often.

It’s okay if what I say doesn’t work forever.

These internet marketing ideas may be considered crude (one day). Search evolves relentlessly, so it’s quite possible (and likely) that the posts on this blog will become outdated. Frankly, this has made me uncomfortable sharing. I’ve been afraid to share what I learn when I know it isn’t definitive. Absolute. Complete. I go into paralysis analysis all the time. The web is still young, and in some sense, immature. So I’m okay if someone 10 years from now is amused at some of the stuff we do today. And at the same time I’m confident that my underlying marketing philosophy is evergreen.

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